4 Ways to Learn Quickly when Reading


Effective reading is a skill that some people never develop while others can only slowly pull the necessary information from a text. Both circumstances make education a difficult and discouraging prospect. If you are one of those in this situation, these four tips will improve your ability to learn quickly when reading.

Know Your Purpose

Before beginning to read, consider why you are reading it at all. What is the subject? What are some main ideas? This might seem like pieces of information it is impossible to know, but all it only requires some careful skimming.

In books, an easy way to establish a mental outline that the book will fill in by examining the title and the names of chapters. The title of the book is your subject, and the chapters show a general structure for the point the author will be attempting to convey.

Shorter works have roughly the same information in the first sentence of each paragraph. Briefly looking at each will give you an idea of the information that you need to retain.

Practice Active Reading

Many readers will begin a page and only realize once they have finished that the do not remember a single thing they read. To avoid this, keep yourself engaged in what you are reading.

If what you are reading belongs to you, reading actively should take the form of highlighting and write in the margins. Ask yourself questions, make observations and highlight what matters. A word of caution, though, is to be careful not to use that highlighter too much. It does no good if the majority of the text has the same bright coloring.

If it is not your property, simply take what notes you want on a separate piece of paper. The same principles as writing in the book hold true here, only without the highlighters.

Reflect On What You Read

Make sure after reading that you are engaged in an active analysis in order to assist in retaining the information. Check your emotional responses and analyze what strong feelings you might have. Write down your reactions immediately after you read the text, then again later, perhaps 24 hours later if at all possible.

This is also the point when you should analyze why the reading was relevant to whatever class or task requires you to read it. That is of vital import.


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5 Best Learning Gifts for Kids

Learning mixed with fun? This is every parents wish for their kids. Ivf you are looking to gift you kid with a present that will both be fun and encourage learning, here are a few suggestions for you:



This is a 3-piece wooden puzzle with which you get to introduce your little one to the many wonders of nature. With this toy also, you get to immerse your child to learning shapes such as circle, triangle and rectangle. Also develop your child’s hand-eye co-ordination as they match the picture pieces. All these pieces have a water-based, non-toxic finish hence safe for your little one.



Keep your kid involved with this game featuring 14 features essential for teaching your kid the skill of pressing, turning and twisting buttons. With this, your baby will have fun and at the same time learn and develop their senses.

Leapfrog: shapes picnic basket


This is a talking picnic basket, perfect for teaching your child manners, colors and shapes. The game comes with fun accompanying sound effects and songs. With the stacking, matching and sorting activities, your kid will all develop on motor skills. Stimulate your kid’s imagination with the included two cups, two forks, two plates, six food items, one basket and one blanket.


This is a board game that involves the blunder family. As your kid plays, they develop the skill of communication and cooperation. In addition, this is a perfect avenue for your kid to learn manners.
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